For 3,000 years Chinese practitioners have used Reflexology to re-balance Qi (the life force flowing through energy channels) to treat a number of conditions.
Reflexology is based on the principle that the feet and hands are a map of all organs, glands and parts of the body. By using thumb and fingers, reflex points in feet and hands are stimulated. This sends signals to the relating parts of the body and encourages them to regain and maintain harmony and balance in a safe and natural way.
Reflexology is not used to diagnose or cure diseases. It is mainly used to complement other treatments and has proven to be extremely helpful for the following conditions: anxiety, diabetes, cardiovascular issues, headaches, stress, kidney functions, PMS, sore feet and digestive problems. It encourages overall wellbeing, alleviate stress and boosts the immune system.
Reflexology is the perfect non-intrusive health therapy.
When massaging patients, in my Antibes practice, I notice how much they like receiving foot reflexologyand I include it in each of my massages.